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Are memes dying as we know it?

Memes have been apart of our life for over an entire decade but, according to google that wont be the case for much longer! If you head over to Google and search "Define Meme" and scroll down you will notice that the word meme itself is declining in popularity and has been since 1968! At the rate that Memes are dying the next generation may not ever get to experience the same funnies we all do today! Malcolm x once said "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today". Malcolm x, leader of the radical civil rights movement, predicted the death of Memes. He knew that one day Memes would ultimately die and warned those of us who would and could prepare. I think we all should thank Guthix for Malcolm's wisdom in the Meme field.

Greetings Meachlings!

I’m Everydayelfman, and this is my blog. I post about Memes, Meach, and Runescape!

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